Category: <span>Articles</span>

Over the Shoulder was delighted and lucky to sit down with film actor, theatre performer and business entrepreneur Charlie Hamblett to discuss his experience in Harlan Coben’s, MISSING YOU Netflix series. We also discussed Charlie’s formative years growing up in the home of Shakespeare, Stratford-upon-Avon and how this led to his career debut, performing on stage with the RSC (Royal Shakespeare Company). More theatre work followed until Charlie diversified, entering the world of film and tv. He even found time to set up his own…

Articles Drama Interviews mystery Thriller TV Shows

“Are we the sum of our worst actions”, is the moral question that this riveting and thought-provoking documentary series examines.  Series 4 follows three crimes where the events and disturbing details are very different, except for the “Sword of Damocles” like threat of the death sentence hanging in the air like a dark ominous cloud. In each story we get to hear from the victim’s and convicted murderer’s families, as well as the condemned themselves. What becomes clear is that these terrible crimes have not…

Articles Documentary True Crime TV Shows

Every day there is new information and footage being released as the claim and counter claim continue in the fallout between these two Hollywood players. With the Me-Too movement rightly adjusting the male biased power dynamic existing behind the scenes of tinsel town, this at first glance seemed just another sad case of a woman being subjected to a sexist and toxic working environment. However, things may not be what they seem at first glance.  Continuing on from my article, it all started in the…

Articles Drama

“I have been playing a role my whole life” one of the inmates says when musing on his participation in the prison theatrical society. Thinking about this line, it seems a very powerful metaphor for the movie. We all have personas that we project to others, and this becomes heightened in uncompromising prison life, where how others perceive us is important for survival.  I am probably late to the party speaking about this production, but this film needs to be talked about more. It is…

Articles Drama Film Reviews

Cameron Diaz is back with her first film since she took a break to become a mum 10 years ago. It’s a safe return to the big screen, which can be seen with her choice of co-star, her old friend Jamie Foxx.  Cameron’s last film before she retired was ANNIE, again with Jamie Foxx. I thought she did a great job as the baddie turned good Miss Hannigan.  The best friends are back with Netflix’s BACK IN ACTION, a spy film whose title is a…

Action Articles Drama Film Reviews


Over the Shoulder was delighted and lucky to sit down with the multitalented actress turned director Julia Ford to discuss her experience at the helm of BBC’s hit courtroom drama SHOWTRIAL. Julia began a successful stage and screen career in the 1980’s before moving to her real love, directing. Julia offered great insight into the directing craft and the processes involved in making a blockbuster series and much more too…here we go Season 2 of SHOWTRIAL has been a massive success. How did the opportunity…

Articles Drama Interviews Theatre Thriller True Crime

You know when you watch a series, quite often you say that the second season isn’t as good as the first, in this case however, I disagree. XO KITTY mark 2 is even better, and I don’t normally say that! XO KITTY is an American/Korean teen drama for all ages. You get to see the development of the characters and they shine more in this series but what I really love is that it wears its heart on its sleeve, which is exactly what you…

Articles Drama Romance TV Shows

Today my choices for exciting TV shows that are returning in 2025 are mainly for the Gen Z audience. These shows have captivated me, and I am really looking forward to Gen Z heaven.  Here are 5 of my most anticipated TV shows of 2025  STRANGER THINGS – This is the final season of the most successful supernatural franchise in recent years and hopefully it will be the best one yet. I was a bit disappointed with the fourth season as it dragged on too…

Articles TV Shows

A quick shoutout to a Netflix show that I watched last night. MISSING YOU, is one of my favourite Harlan Coben’s adaptations, so cleverly done although sometimes a bit predictable. I guess that’s to be expected with so much murder mystery content around. MISSING YOU was better than most. Harlan Coben has agreed a fourteen series deal with Netflix and after this one there is only four more to go. It has five 45-minute episodes that are easy to watch and has got enough action…

Action Articles Drama mystery Romance TV Shows